Monday, April 6, 2020

Crime Scene Clean Up in 2020

Crime Scene Clean Up in 2020

Crime Scene Clean Up is not only something you see in Hollywood criminal movies. The term is used to describe the aftermath of any crime scene, accident, or trauma that has occurred, involving and requiring the service of biological cleaning. The range of what needs to be cleaned varies from location to location following an accident, burglary or homicide and, in spite of the name, this type of cleanup also includes unattended deaths.Crime Scene Intervention Company Vehicle

Crime scene clean up is often undiscussed. Police officers and detectives investigate the crime or incident that has occurred, medics and morticians deal with final remains. The question never asked is who cleans up the scene once the investigation has concluded. In many cases, the families do it themselves, but it obviously is extremely difficult for them both emotionally and physically. That’s where we come in. CSI, Crime Scene Intervention, is a team of professionals sent to clean up the premises, disinfecting and ultimately erasing all signs of what has happened.

The Emergence Of Crime Scene Cleanup

In the 1980s, Human Immunodeficiency Disease (also known as HIV) made its appearance, which further became popular under AIDS as it steadily progressed. AIDS is an acronym and stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This disease had been spreading in the United States for several years before the U.S. government decided to recognize it.  The government refused to get involved because it seemed that AIDS was an LGBTQ disease, which- at the time- was thought to project an unfavorable image for the country.

As the number of deaths continued to rise, it became unthinkable that the reason for such a tragedy could be simple sexual intercourse. The stigma of it is only found in the LGBTQ community was starting to waver as women were contracting the disease from their husbands and boyfriends at the rate of 1 to 15, which means that they were fifteen times more likely to contract HIV from sexual intercourse with a man. This disease was affecting all races, genders, and people having all different preferences, reducing the effectiveness of the immune system of those infected- and it was infecting people at an increasing rate.

The highest risk for contracting the disease was for health employees, so rules were set for employers to ensure that their employees were protected from needle-stick during work. From that moment, it was not possible to be exposed to any bloody environment without passing a blood-borne pathogen training.

Fast-forward to today

Today, HIV is just one of many blood-borne pathogens the medical community has come to understand. Doctors and scientists now have a vast amount of knowledge about how many diseases pass and how to slow or completely stop their spread. The 21st century brings us not only new technologies but also new unknown diseases. The risks involved with exposure to such pathogens have become more complex. We are no longer simply living in a world with Hepatitis B & C and/or HIV- things we know how to treat and identify. Due to the ever-changing nature of viruses and the increase of things such as shootings, terrorism, suicide, and other catastrophic trauma events, the human population is more exposed now than ever before. When such an unfortunate and heartbreaking event occurs, the cleanup should not fall into the hands of those who are unaware of standards and protocols in place to completely clean a scene. Despite what some may believe, looking clean and actually being clean are vastly different things.  

Why A Crime Scene Cleaner’s Service Is Necessary?

The use of a professional is often necessary, but hard to find on such short notice. The services of Crime Scene Cleanup are specifically designed for this task, saving you a lot of time and possible exposure to very dangerous viruses and bacteria. In the case of decaying body or blood on the furniture and the floor, every second count. Shortly after dying, the body starts to decay. This decay process starts the decomposition of the cells that make up the body, releasing fluids and gasses into the environment. These released liquids and gasses escaping into a given area are potentially very hazardous and must be cleaned and sanitized properly, using proper chemicals and techniques.  

Avoid Major Epidemiological Risk By Calling a Crime Scene Clean Up Technician

Some cases might require a full clean up of walls or tearing up the floor surface. Not only are these tasks difficult to execute, but they must be done in a way that contains any potentially hazardous material. Crime scene clean-up technicians are highly trained and skilled in such cleanup processes.  Few people are aware of the fact that it is very easy and common to catch a life-threatening disease from blood cleanup. 

All the people who have worked in this field for years stress that, in their opinion, the proper cleanup and disposal of the remains is the most serious and alarming problem when people clean a crime scene on their own. This type of cleanup is not a simple dust cleaning. Technicians often deal with bacteria from the decomposition of corpses, or body parts and blood spread across a room. Simply bagging them and throwing them in your living room’s trash can is not a solution.

Calling a crime scene cleaning service will save you time and possible legal issues since most of those companies closely cooperate with law enforcement. This business is not pretty, but it is necessary for the health of the general public.


Deodorizing Services

Believe it or not, bacteria is the main cause of unpleasant smells in a home or business. TO improve the smell, the bacterial must be treated and eradicated. Crime Scene Cleanup service uses the latest Fogging technology combined with the best sanitizing & deodorizing products available today.

Many viruses & bacteria are airborne. Others colonize on surfaces. The chemical agent used in crime scenes destroys both air & surface-based infections in one application. It targets harmful bacteria while allowing good bacteria to grow, thus blocking the future development of new transient harmful bacteria.

The system sprays chemical elements which then spread with a cloud of completely dry smoke. The smoke leaves no sticky residue. The agent thereby reaches every nook and cranny within the area and destroys bacteria and removes unpleasant odors on a molecular level, we will fog any areas including vehicles leaving them clean and smelling fresh.CSI Accident and Trauma Cleanup


Crime Scene Cleanup In A Nutshell

Crime scene aftermath waste has a high microbiological risk of infectious diseases and viruses. This category includes among other blood, urine, and vomit. It is vital the clean-up process is done as soon as possible after the incident has occurred as there is a high possibility the biohazardous fluid will penetrate into porous materials, which are not visible to the naked eye, making cleaning extremely difficult and increasing the risk of infection. Intense, directed, sanitation cleaning accompanied by precise disinfection is therefore of vital importance to the future health of all who come in contact with the site.



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