Saturday, July 11, 2020

Disease Decontamination – Virus Cleaning Services

Disinfection is an operation aimed at preventing infection by destroying germs that settle on your premises. Those include:


  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Molds 


To prevent the spread of those toxic substances, we offer disinfection of:


  • Flats
  • Toilets 
  • Public facilities 
  • Banks
  • Municipal offices
  • Hospitals
  • Medical facilities
  • Cinemas
  • Restaurants 


Cleaning Services also help to get rid of unpleasant smells. If you want to get rid of the unwanted smell from your home or office, get in touch with Crime Scene Intervention!


What are Virus Cleaning Services?


Decontamination and disinfection are specific cleaning services. This type of cleaning is carried out following an accident:

  • At home
  • In industrial premises
  • In the medical industry 
  • Food-processing sectors


Ozone is a procedure with a wide range of effects. It is ideal for disinfection, disinsectization, and deodorization treatments. In practice, it helps to remove the unpleasant smell from:


  • Mattresses
  • Curtains 
  • Rooms 
  • Walls
  • Carpets


When ozonizing rooms, our technicians always wear protective masks. For safety reasons, the presence of bystanders during the ozone treatment is excluded.


Disinfecting and decontaminating: the issues at stake


Disinfecting and decontaminating aim to limit the spread of germs. They limit the growth of microbes and viruses to reduce redundant epidemics such as:


  • Flu
  • Cold
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Coronavirus


In a company, hygiene standards must be respected and they depend on the field of activity. National standards are specific to the medical and food industry. Disinfection and decontamination are mandatory for both sectors. It is also recommended at home in order to keep the environment healthy for all residents.


The risks and dangers of leaving surfaces uncleaned 


The severity of infectious diseases varies. The risks of many of them are of sufficient concern to warrant preventive measures. Yet other diseases are not subject to any precautionary measures. This is not very responsible knowing that they can pose serious health threats. The only way to eradicate them is to put in place an appropriate sanitation system.


There are also incurable contagious diseases such as: 


  • Ebola
  • Influenza
  • MRSA 


If these are not detected in time, the consequences can be fatal at worst. The use of methodical decontamination methods carried out by trained cleaning professionals is the only way to prevent the rapidly spreading infection.


Infectious Disease Cleaning Services


In the event of contamination of your premises, effective disinfection and cleaning are necessary. They ensure that your facilities comply with health and safety regulations and prevent infectious diseases.


Our disinfection experts can help you with various problems such as :


  • Disinfection of attics and attics colonized by birds
  • Removal of attics
  • Disinfection by spraying
  • Replacement of insulation 
  • Disinfection after death
  • Disinfection and decontamination after disasters or fires
  • Disinfection of common areas and social areas
  • Property deodorization


The Decontamination Process


The cleaning and decontamination services consist of two disinfection protocols:


  1. Disinfection of contact points
  2. Disinfection of surfaces with infectious risks


The cleaning and disinfection service is provided by service staff protected by appropriate PPE. They are duly authorized for this practice. Particularly with regard to chemical and biological risks. The products used are disinfectant products with proven virucidal efficacy against the vaccinia virus (HIV1). It is covering efficacy against COVID-19.


Disinfection of contact points:


  • Door handles
  • Sliding doors
  • Stair railings 
  • Switches 
  • Telephones
  • Electronic devices
  • Elevator
  • Building exit touch buttons 
  • Push buttons
  • Tactile buttons dispensers 
  • Water fountain buttons
  • Flush toilets
  • Taps
  • Cleaning of surfaces at risk of infection:
  • Ceilings
  • Blower mouths
  • Luminaries 
  • Partitions
  • Walls
  • Grids
  • Door frames
  • Contact surfaces 
  • Furniture 
  • Decorations
  • Office automation equipment 
  • Door handles
  • Switches
  • Floors
  • Carpets


Are Virus Cleaning Services Worth It?


Crime Scene Intervention uses excellent cleaning and disinfection methods. They are suitable for public places as well as for private homes and apartments. It has a number of advantages:


  1. It is effective. It does not mask unpleasant smells, but actually removes them – along with harmful microorganisms
  2. It is complex. It removes microorganisms, mold, allergens, bad smells, protects against pests such as ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes, moles, and rodents.
  3. It is accurate. It reaches all corners. It penetrates furniture, upholstery, and fills the whole room. It enables disinfection of hard to reach places, impossible to do with traditional methods.
  4. It is relatively cheap. It provides a long-lasting effect. It does not need to be improved with chlorine or other disinfectants
  5. It is fully safe. It decomposes quickly, so the rooms are ready to use within a short time after the intervention.


Crime Scene Intervention: A Mastered Process


At Crime Scene Intervention, we are able to intervene in stores, restaurants, offices, industry, hotels, health professionals, or even treat your fleet of vehicles. We replicate our know-how and adapt it to those different circumstances. All technicians are trained in the best and most recent techniques. The equipment we use is of the highest quality and is used with a precise method.


  • Treatments: Our dedicated solution offers bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal treatments.
  • Solutions: We use spraying or nebulization solutions with products that comply with current legislation and certified technicians.
  • Operating methods: Our operating methods, without danger to human health, allow us to provide you with a quality service and the serenity of optimal efficiency.
  • Protocols: Our protocols are adapted according to your sector of activity and the specificity of your premises.


Infectious Disease Cleaning Experts


Has an unexpected death or suicide occurred on your property? Have you or a member of your family been seriously ill and you want to disinfect the areas that have been used? A persistent and unpleasant smell is emanating from your home? 


Whatever your situation, we can control it together. Contact our team of certified cleaning technicians. They are experienced and knowledgeable about biohazards. 


By eliminating the presence of germs, it is possible to stop their transfer. Whether you are a hospital looking to light up the surgical rooms for MRSA or you want to clean your home after a death or a very bloody accident, we can help. We specialize in crime scene cleanup, in which blood cleanup is a major part. 


Call Crime Scene Intervention immediately for immediate infectious disease disinfection. We operate in commercial, residential, or any other property in South Florida. Looking for disease decontamination services biohazard cleanup? Get in touch at 561-250-0822.



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